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Bennetts Associates

The Poulton


Bennetts Associates




Manchester, UK

Project Type

1. Office Buildings

Mayfield is a 26 acre site next to Piccadilly Station currently undergoing a remarkable transformation from forgotten corner to the latest ‘go‐to’ locale. This is being achieved with a series of placemaking ‘meanwhile’ uses involving street food, arts and culture while the first buildings go through planning. ‘The Poulton’ will be one of the most significant early schemes on the site, occupying as it does the prime location on entry to the masterplan from Piccadilly/city centre. As such, it will help set the tone for what follows both in design quality and innovation in use.

‘The Poulton’ is named after George Poulton, a ‘world-renowned amphibious man and champion scientific swimmer’ who made himself famous in the 1850s as a promoter of public health at the Mayfield Public Baths, which originally sat on the site. He gave swimming lessons, ran sporting events and encouraged the public to understand the health benefits of regular bathing by giving exhibitions of underwater acrobatics and performing stunts such as drinking pints of milk underwater. The new building will echo the same spirit of public gathering, community and wellbeing.

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Our Contribution:

Our role was to inform the early façade design and touch base as to potentials and limitations of different façade alternatives. In more detail:

• Touch base with the Architectural intent and examine the performance of the currently considered façade configurations.
• Discuss the different considered solar control mechanisms: (1) glass type, (2) glass size, (3) glass frit density, and (4) movable shading. Explain their potential benefit on peak solar gains and suggest ways forward to serve both design intentions and performance.
• Map a number of solutions that meet the set solar gains target: briefly report the characteristics of each solution to be discussed with the design group.


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