Building Physics
Toolbox for a tailored service
Probably one of our strongest assets of our service is our deep understanding of the methods used. A comprehensive toolbox that consists of diverse methods and a broad range of software programs allows us to use the "best fitted" approach for the challenges we face each time, ensuring project added value.
Our toolbox consists of:
Steady state assessment tools: Steady state tools are used for center pane performance assessments, including the effect of shading (i.e. solar and thermal transmittance, light transmittance, etc). Such tools are WIS 3, and the LBNL suite (Optics and Window). Assessments of thermal bridges are also carried out with steady state methods. We use 2D or 3D heat flow tools (such as Therm) based on international standards to calculate heat losses through constructions.
Dynamic Thermal Modelling (DTM) tools: DTM tools allow us to assess the envelope performance and suggest appropriate facade solutions. They can be used from indicative studies "quantify alternatives" performance at an early design stage), to detailed performance analyses; Thorough understanding of the method is essential to the validity of results.
This information can help architects, building service engineers and facade designers to choose among options that lead to effective sustainable development in terms of the environmental impact and involved cost. Both early stage and detailed calculations can raise awareness regarding potential problems and future-proof the building.
The DTM tools we use are: IDA ICE, Design Builder, Energy Plus and ROOM (Beans Suite)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools:
Our specialized services include CFD assessments that drive design solutions and improve façade and building performance. In order to ensure added project value, we combine CFD with Dynamic Thermal Modelling to properly assess boundary conditions and drive design.
The software we use is the commercial code ANSYS CFX. This software is well-recognised in the industry and has been regularly used in many engineering applications. The capability of this code to model internal building environments is widely accepted.
Daylight assessment tools: Daylight assessment tools can often inform design as to incident solar radiation on the building envelope and to the daylight penetration and distribution within indoor spaces. Such tools are:
(a) Radiance, which is a highly accurate ray-tracing, freeware software tool. The primary advantage of Radiance over simple lighting calculation and rendering tools is that there are few limitations on the geometry or the materials that may be simulated.
(b) DaySim, which is a free Radiance-based daylight analysis software to assess the annual daylight availability and electric lighting use in arbitrary buildings for manual and automated lighting and blind controls.